Monday, May 18, 2009

terrorism entry #3

How will terrorism affect the future?

Terrorism will affect the future in many ways. It is already affecting the international community and it will keep affecting it. Terrorism causes fear and many separatist terrorist groups want to rise up and be heard. We believe that to deal with this issues there first need to be world peace. If every country’s government meet the peoples need then there is no need for terrorist group to arise. I think that many more terrorist groups like al-Qaida will take place if we don’t make world peace. World peace is not easy to achieve and if people don’t contribute then we believe that it will be even harder. Terrorism could eventually destroy our future. Because of terrorist acts many lives could be taken away the same thousands of people died in the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

terrorism entry #2

Yanilsa Florencio
Charina Betances
May 14, 2009

Are you involved NOW?

The United States is part of NATO. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization involvement with terrorism is that they are doing the best they can to prevent terrorism. This organization is trying to prevent and stop terrorism world wide. The US is fighting in a war just because they want terrorism to be eliminated. As our president of the U.S says Barrack Obama “My job as commander-in-chief is to keep the American people safe, I’ve got a 9-year-old daughter and a 6-year-old daughter”. This means that he is & will try to do his best to keep the citizen of the country safe because among the citizens of the US are his two daughters.

Not only he has to worry about his children but also about keeping America safe. If people don’t contribute at all, then terrorism will happen more frequently. Therefore if you see something fishy then say something. It’s not only up to the president but it is also up to us as Americans to get involved now and know what to do in case of any attack before it’s too late. No one was expecting the attack of 9/11 so we weren’t really aware and many more people died because we didnt really know what to do in that situation but know we have more knowledge.

terrorism entry #1

Charina Betances
Yanilsa Florencio

Terrorism is an issue of paramount importance to the United States. According to the United States Department of Defense Terrorism is define as “the calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.” The major terrorist act that is the most commonly known in the United States is the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States. The 9/11 terrorist attacks have left very negative ramifications within and outside of the United States.
One effect of terrorism is the “War on terrorism”. The United States invaded Afghanistan because the Taliban, which was at the time, the governmental power in Afghanistan were aiding the terrorist group al-Qaida. Al-Qaida was the terrorist group that formulated and executed the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States. But the United States wasn’t the only country that fought in this war. The NATO organization is also fighting in the war. The war started in October 7, 2001 and until this day is still going on. The war is clearly an effect of terrorism. The U.S is a major player in this war and perhaps if the 9/11 terrorist attacks would’ve not occur then the “war on terrorism” would’ve been avoided.
Another effect of the 9/11 terrorist act in the U.S was that the government strengthened domestic security. The Homeland Security Act was passed November 25, 2002. The Homeland Security Act was very controversial because it is involved in exercising the powers presented under the USA Patriot Act. Some people feel that the USA Patriot Act violates the citizen’s privacy. I think that it does invade our privacy but in if you look at it in another perspective this is benefiting us all due to the fact that terrorist acts will be prevented.